10 research outputs found

    Pembiasaan Menjaga Kebersihan Sejak Usia Dini (Pengabdian Pada Murid TK Bintang Kecil Surabaya)

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    Keeping clean is a must. Maintaining cleanliness is closely related to health. Therefore, it is important for us to get used to practicing cleanliness. Good self-habituation starts from childhood. Based on this, community service activities were carried out for Kindergarten students at Bintang Kecil Kindergarten in Surabaya. Various things related to efforts to maintain personal hygiene are given, including brushing teeth and washing hands. Community service activities carried out in a fun, but still serious. This fun atmosphere is important so that students stay concentrated with the material without feeling afraid. This activity is important so that young children understand and eventually get used to maintain their personal hygiene. Keywords: cleanliness, habit, young ag

    Feminization of Poverty Program (PFK) and the Empowerment of Women Heads-of-Household in East Java, Indonesia

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    Severe conditions of poverty have been found in households headed by women in East Java Province, Indonesia. In response to this, the Provincial Government of East Java initiated an innovative program called Jalin Matra (Jalan Lain Menuju Mandiri dan Sejahtera or Another Way Towards Sustenance and Welfare) in which one of the programs is Program Feminisasi Kemiskinan (PFK). This paper is based on a research that is concerned with the implementation of PFK in the regions of Trenggalek and Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia, especially in the village level. It is especially focused on the impacts of the program implementation on the empowerment of the beneficiaries, namely, women household heads, referred to as ‘Kepala Rumah Tangga Perempuan (KRTP)’. The target of the empowerment of women household heads in the program is predominantly focused on developing social entrepreneurship, shown by the increase of micro and small enterprises owned by the women household heads

    The Use of Social Media in Improving Literacy in Rural Village

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    Background: Social media, in the form of chatting platforms such as WhatsApp and various other social media widely used by Generation Y today, can help to increase literacy and information dissemination in a rural village. With the involvement and contribution of Generation Y, social media has what it takes to improve literacy among people in rural areas, allowing them to obtain information as fast and as precisely as the urban communities do while also making advancements to the area itself. Objective: This study attempts to investigate the use of social media in increasing literacy in eight villages on Madura Island. Method: This study uses a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. Results: The results show that there are still several problems caused by the use of social media among generation Y in making decisions, taking action, behaving, communicating, and socializing. Another issue is that, generally, Generation Y tends to disseminate information directly without checking its veracity. Conclusion: The lack of digital literacy worries many people because it causes the spread of disinformation that threatens the bond of kinship and disperses national unity. Therefore, there is a need for education on how to use social media healthily, provision of rural village and city-level libraries, and the need for attention from clerics, parents, and the government. Keywords: literacy; rural village; social medi


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa bagaimana manajemen pertahanan atau survival kampung wisata lokal dalam menghadapi pandemi. Dengan mengambil lokasi research di kampung wisata lawas Maspati Surabaya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelajaran mengenai bagaimana kampung wisata mengalami masa sulit dan bagaimana kampung wisat tersebut bisa keluar dari masa sulit tsersebut. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, desain penelitian kualitatif digunakan dalam studi ini. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan dengan masyarakat, aparat pemerintah atau dinas pariwisata terkait. Ulasan pemasaran pariwisata dan bahan kebijakan di tingkat nasional, regional dan lokal juga dilakukan untuk kontekstualisasi data. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa beragam cara atau strategi dilakukan oleh pengelola kampung wisata untuk „menghidupi‟ masyarakat, di antaranya adalah mendorong masyarakat untuk menjual produk yang nantinya akan dibeli oleh mereka sendiri. Cara ini membuat mereka merasa senasib dan saling bergandengan tangan menghadapi pandemic

    Challenges of community participation in tourism planning in developing countries

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study is to analyze the challenges faced by the community in participating in sustainable tourism in developing countries. The research was conducted using a systematic literature study on scientific articles indexed by Scopus from 2018–2022 with the theme of community participation in tourism planning. Inclusion criteria are articles from developing countries determined by the International Monetary Fund. The findings show that the constraints on community participation can be categorized into three main groups: operational, structural, and cultural. Operational constraints include lack of access to information, lack of efficient decision-making structures, lack of discussion platforms, lack of knowledge, and lack of transparency and accountability. Structural constraints identified include lack of access to planning experts, weak community development, lack of budget, lack of education, and unsuitable policy and governance. Finally, cultural barriers include the history of colonialism, community awareness, mistrust, power disparities, unequal distribution of costs and benefits, and conflict of interests. Governments and sustainable tourism operators must systematically address these issues to encourage broader community participation in tourism

    Tantangan dalam implementasi social entrepreneurship pariwisata di Pulau Madura

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    Social entrepreneurship in Indonesia faced the trend of opportunity negligence for local people to participate in tourism development in their area. The positive economic impact of tourism often enjoys by outsiders. This paper examines the challenges in the implementation of social entrepreneurship in Madura, includes challenges faced by the Madurese community in developing their social entrepreneur spirit and business. This study draws on in-depth interviews held with 31 residents. It was found that social entrepreneurship is mostly initiated by the local people. Lack of support from the government in developing social entrepreneurship is reported by the participants as one challenge they face in developing social entrepreneurship. Findings of this study are inconsistent with the assumption that local community participation in tourism is paramount in tourism development. These findings will serve a ‘wake-up call’ for the Indonesian government to pay more attention to incorporate the local community in tourism development process, particularly in giving the locals a room to develop their social entrepreneur spirits as well as providing adequate support for their social entrepreneurship business to grow

    What does tourism mean to residents? an investigation of Madura Island, Indonesia

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    Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)The purpose of this study is to critically explore the meanings of tourism held by residents in the context of tourism planning in Madura Island, Indonesia. The thesis reviews and critiques the literature on tourism planning and resident perception studies, particularly as they have been applied in developing countries. This review recognises that much of this literature overlooks the complex processes that shape the meanings that residents assign to tourism and that ultimately reinforce power inequities among residents. This thesis employs symbolic interactionism as an empirical framework in order to focus specifically on how these complex meanings interact with the social, political and cultural landscapes to reinforce patterns of engagement and disengagement among residents in the tourism planning processes in developing countries. To achieve this aim, a qualitative research design was employed in the study of Madura Island. In-depth interviews were conducted with residents and local tourism officers. Review of tourism planning and policy materials at national, regional and local levels were also undertaken to contextualise the data drawn from the interviews. Thematic analysis of the data revealed that the meanings residents assigned to tourism could be broadly categorised as ‘business opportunities gained and lost’, ‘a source of disempowerment’, ‘a threat to culture’ and ‘an opportunity to share religious and cultural values’. However, a more critical analysis explores the extent to which these meanings of tourism were underpinned by the hegemony of a central political and cultural philosophy: Buppa’ Babbu’ Guru Rato (father, mother, guru and government) which has been claimed to influence life on Madura Island. The findings of this study challenges the relevance of the structure and order of this philosophy and concludes by considering the implications of this for participatory planning on Madura Island and developing countries more broadly


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    This paper aims to examine how library in a tourism village is able to help local residents to survive in the pandemic era as well as to progress to edu-tourism attraction. Since 2016, Kampung Wisata Lawas Maspati (Old Tourism Village of Maspati) has been one of featured destinations in Surabaya. The COVID-19 pandemic then brought tremendous undesirable impacts on the village. This community-based tourism village has experienced plunging number of visitors, which greatly impacted the community. To attain the research goal, qualitative research design was used in this study. In-depth interview was conducted with the residents and administrators of the tourism village. Results suggest that despite the low number of visitors, administrators and people in Kampung Lawas Maspati have made a breakthrough by reactivating the library self-subsistently or with their own resources. This library ultimately became one of tourism village’s strategies to survive. Many locals used the library as a public space to seek information or share information to each other. An interesting aspect was the internet connection facility added to the library soon transformed it to a ‘school’ for children and helped people with their information searching. Furthermore, the library in Kampung Wisata Lawas Maspati is more directed to and accentuates the educational elements known as edu-tourism

    Tourism Experiences of People with Disabilities: Voices from Indonesia

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    The implementation of inclusive sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the tourism sector must promote opportunities and experiences for people with disabilities. This study explored the tourism experiences of people with disabilities in Indonesia. This phenomenological study reported on data collected through in-depth interviews with participants whose disabilities impact their lived experiences in tourism. Several themes, grounded in lived experiences, emerged from systematic analysis of the data. These include desire for relaxation, unaccommodated needs, inability to travel alone, unheard voices, and lack of empathy and awareness. These findings strengthen theory by conceptualizing the original voices of the tourism experience through past experiences. The results contribute to growing tourism literature on accessible tourism and the sustainable development goals by presenting insights of the tourism experiences of people with disabilities in the Indonesian context and other developing countries. The voices of disability experience in tourism help to improve the understanding of inclusivity as it relates to tourism experiences, and the need to hear the voices of people with disabilities in tourism planning


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penerapan dari kajian Komunikasi Organisasi dan Kehumasan. Sebuah organisasi adalah sebuah entitas yang tidak hidup dalam ruang vacuum. Karena organisasi hidup di tengah-tengah masyarakat, maka organisasi harus mampu beradaptasi serta menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan lingkungan sekitarnya. Salah satu tantangan yang dihadapi oleh organisasi adalah ketika organisasi itu harus berhadapan dengan isu yang kontroversial. Hal inilah yang dialami oleh Pemerintahan SBY dan The Freedom Institute ketika berhadapan dengan isu kenaikan harga BBM. Dalam situasi seperti ini organisasi dituntut untuk mampu berkomunikasi dengan publik yang memiliki kepentingan yang sama dengan organisasi. Dengan menggunakan kajian Retorika, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana sebuah organisasi memformulasikan pesannya, argumen-argumen yang dipakai, serta gaya retorika apa yang digunakan dalam situasi kontroversial semacam itu dengan menganalisis Ikian Layanan Masyarakat dari The Freedom Institute dan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi. Tinjauan pustaka yang digunakan adalah teori-teori yang berkaitan dengan komunikasi organisasi, kehumasan, dan retorika. Juga akan dibahas tentang fungsi retorika bagi masyarakat serta relevansi retorika bagi masyarakat moderen seperti sekarang ini. Secara spesifik akan dibahas tentang berbagai macam teknik dan gaya retorika serta macam-macam aspek retorika yang nantinya akan diaplikasikan dalam penelitian ini. Secara khusus penelitian ini menggunakan konsep-konsep Retorika dari Aristoteles. Metode Penelitian yang dipakai adalah Analisis Retorika. Analisis ini merupakan salah satu bagian dari metode analisis tekstual kualitatif. Penelitian diiakukan dengan menganalisis serta mengaplikasikan aspek¬-aspek Retorika Ethos, Pathos, Logos, Aim, dan Mode ke dalam objek penelitian yaitu Iklan Layanan Masyarakat tentang kenaikan harga BBM dari The Freedom Institute dan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Iklan Layanan Masyarakat dari The Freedom Institute lebih banyak menggunakan pendekatan Logos, sementara Iklan Layanan Masyarakat dari Menkominfo Iebih cenderung menggunakan pendekatan Pathos khususnya aspek Pity dan Sham